Found 4 LAT sources within 4 deg of search center!
[Nota Bene: Source distances are estimates and plot may go to hell at high dec]
2FGL J1428.6+4240 (217.154,42.6729) is 0.0135688 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1433.8+4205 (218.453,42.0857) is 1.13625 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1442.0+4352 (220.522,43.8772) is 2.74361 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1439.2+3932 (219.802,39.536) is 3.72408 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]